
So, here’s how I describe myself, if only for now.

I’m a Philippine ‘island girl’ in Africa who has been fortunate enough to see a little bit of the world and enjoy some of its delicious food. I share with you my experiences here.

I consider my life – family (child out of wedlock included), friends, successes, challenges, love, heartaches, marriages, divorces, career, businesses that didn’t take off… absolutely everything in and about it – a blessing and a gift. I learn and grow every day, even after some massive lessons and learning from failings (not necessarily failures). All that I have gone through and I am still going through make up my writing in my “Musings” Blog.

I referred to me years ago as the ‘mad banana woman’. I am more crazy than sane but I love “mi vida loca”. The banana part isn’t only because I’m Anna (Banana) but because an old boyfriend had observed that although Asian (yellow on the outside) I’m very much Caucasian in my way of thinking (white in the inside) and my actions, too. It’s a rather accurate observation. I am that liberal-thinking and modern-acting Filipino woman some love to hate.

All I wanted when I younger was to be the same as everyone, to be accepted, to be liked, to belong, and to be good enough. In the process of growing up, I realized that I was different. It was initially a challenge to accept it but I have learned to embrace it. I’m actually quite happy about it now and I do take pride in what I have accomplished and what I am still accomplishing. I like where I am and I love the woman that I have become. But, I still grow every day. I am grateful for that, too.

Fear not though for I do not only write drama. Humor has helped me and is helping me through my journey. I remain my tragic-comedic self with a day job in slightly more serious fields of Finance and Corporate Operations.

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